First CropXR Conference takes place this autumn

On October 17 and 18 the first edition of the CropXR Conference will take place at Kontakt der Kontinenten in Soesterberg. During this two-day event our CropXR community will immerse itself in science and technology. This event offers the opportunity to share results and insights from the various programs within CropX. Moreover, it enables cross-pollination

Introducing Sören Wacker

In this series, we introduce you to the people behind CropXR. Who are they, what do they do, and why are they passionate about their work for CropXR? Name: Sören Wacker What is your professional role within CropXR? I am a Senior HPC (High Performance Computing) Research Engineer. Can you describe this role in a

Introducing Hazel van Waijjen

In this series, we introduce you to the people behind CropXR. Who are they, what do they do, and why are they passionate about their work for CropXR? Name: Hazel van Waijjen What is your CropXR role?I am a PhD student, working on the team of work package C5.1/5.2: Flowering regulation under stress. Can you

Introducing Froukje van der Wal

In this series, we introduce you to the people behind CropXR. Who are they, what do they do, and why are they passionate about their work for CropXR? Name: Froukje van der Wal What is your professional role within CropXR?Technician in PlantXR C5 Can you describe this role in a nutshell?C5 is the abbreviation for

Introducing Koen Beumer

In this series, we introduce you to the people behind CropXR. Who are they, what do they do, and why are they passionate about their work for CropXR? Name: Koen Beumer What is your professional role within CropXR?I am the work package leader of WP-C7 on innovation dynamics and societal impact. Furthermore, I am also

In the Spotlight

Get an overview of (media) organisations that paid attention to CropXR. 2024 The brochure ‘Dutch Seeds, innovation with a global reach‘ pays attention to CropXR (page 42 and 43). 2023

Introducing Atoesa Farokhi

In this series, we introduce you to the people behind CropXR. Who are they, what do they do, and why are they passionate about their work for CropXR? Name: Atoesa Farokhi What is your CropXR role?Coordinator CropXR education. Can you describe this role in a nutshell? My role relates to education, life-long-learning and community building.

Introducing Aike Post

In this series, we introduce you to the people behind CropXR. Who are they, what do they do, and why are they passionate about their work for CropXR? Name: Aike Post What is your CropXR role? I am a partner open to share knowledge on chrysanthemum breeding, growing and genetic resources.   Can you describe this role

Introducing Roel Musch

In this series, we introduce you to the people behind CropXR. Who are they, what do they do, and why are they passionate about their work for CropXR? Name: Roel Musch What is your CropXR role?I will contribute to CropXR by sharing genetic resources and knowledge about chrysanthemum genetics.   Can you decribe this role in a

CropXR officially (and literally) kicked off

On February 29th, 2024, wearing a pair of green rain boots, Marten van den Berg, DG-Agro at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality, officially (and literally) kicked off the activities of CropXR. Passion With over two hundred CropXR partners, participants and outside stakeholders attending in theFabrique in Utrecht (Netherlands), an array of