The CropXR Institute
The CropXR Institute is an independent, not-for-profit institute. It is a hybrid organisation comprising academic institutions, industrial partners and technology innovation companies. The institute unites a community of experts stemming from disciplines such as plant sciences, data sciences and social sciences. All those engaged with CropXR are driven to arm agricultural production to make the field less vulnerable to climate change.
CropXR was founded in the summer of 2023. The Dutch Research Council (NWO), the National Growth Fund (Nationaal Groeifonds) and the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) fund the institute. In addition, its partners co-finance the institute. These various financial endowments enable the institute to realise its activities until (at least) 2033. The institute envisions to continue after this period of time.
CropXR has the following vision:
To grow sustainable food for everyone in a changing world.
In the face of a rapidly changing climate, more resilient crops are needed. Such resilient crops should withstand a wide array of stressors like drought or salinisation. Moreover, they should be able to grow without relying on agricultural practices that harm the environment.
CropXR is a unique consortium comprising scientists and industrial partners. It is committed to advancing the development of crop varieties that are more resilient. Such varieties will benefit both farmers and consumers and will help to protect our planet.
As a public-private collaboration, CropXR is dedicated to driving breakthrough innovations for more sustainable and climate-adapted agriculture worldwide. Its mission is ambitious:
In 2033, we have resilient crops developed through data-driven design.
CropXR’s mission and activities are grounded in shared values which are openness, commitment, ingenuity, trust and partnership.
The institute fosters an environment in which there is transparent communication, trust and inclusivity. All those engaged in the CropXR mission act in a responsible and conscious way. The curious and open-minded people affiliated to the institute are dedicated to contributing to a better world. Reaching the CropXR mission is a team effort based on a proactive and problem-solving attitude of every individual.
Success strategies
CropXR works on attaining this mission by deploying four success strategies which describe the routes and talents it uses to reach its mission:

Data-Driven Design
CropXR studies and unravels crop resilience by using a clever and intricate combination of biology, data, modelling, simulations, and artificial intelligence. This creates the ability to accurately predict resilience in crops.

Resilience Hub
CropXR envisions to become the world’s pivotal center of expertise in the realm of crop resilience. It will be the hub for extended knowledge, data, tools, and expertise on crop resilience. Its excellent data infrastructure enables easy access to a global community.

By bringing together bright minds with different backgrounds, CropXR creates the optimal environment for breakthrough innovations. The various partners, affiliated to academia or the industry, work closely together on a common mission. Diversity is embraced and the many different talents of all those who participate are cherished as a unique competence. This strong coalition strives for societal impact.

There is a constant awareness that the knowledge and insights CropXR gains can be advanced. CropXR continuously improves its pace and performance by deploying accelerators. Such accelerators can be: ameliorating collaboration, smarter experimentation, innovative data approaches or tapping into new resources, partners, and knowledge. Our approach is open-minded and inquisitive which creates ample opportunity for innovation.
CropXR is an Open Science institute. It aims to share data, smart-data breeding tools, knowledge, and knowhow through the Resilience Hub on a not-for-profit base. The Resilience Hub will function independent of third parties with no restrictions on its maintenance, optimization, utilisation and expansion.
CropXR proactively seeks new collaborations and expects to welcome new partners in the future. It explicitly does not develop plant varieties and does not offer services on a commercial basis.
CropXR & Sustainable Development Goals

The CropXR institute fully
recognises the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. With its mission and strategies, the consortium aims to contribute to the goals, in particular to those related to zero hunger, quality education, innovation, consumption, climate action, life on land and partnerships.