Innovation dynamics and societal impact

How can the smart data breeding methodology that CropXR develops be aligned with the needs, interests, and values of societal stakeholders to ensure broad acceptance and sustainability? The innovation dynamics and societal impact team explores the opportunities and implications of the smart data breeding concept for both the Dutch plant breeding sector and society at large.
This team examines the smart data breeding methodology through the lens of the social sciences and humanities. The team studies the ethical, legal and societal aspects of smart breeding alongside investigating the wider socio-technical system. There are many pivotal questions. Which elements of the socio-technical system enable and constrain smart breeding? How do stakeholders understand resilience in different ways? What implications does this have for developing the smart breeding concept? How can the development of smart breeding incorporate societal needs and concerns in a meaningful way? How can the access to plant genetic resources be regulated in a fair and equitable way in the context of smart breeding? The team encompasses a wide range of studies which cross-pollinate each other, enhancing their strength. The team also actively contributes to the studies of other teams within CropXR.

Illustration: The innovation dynamics and ethical, legal, and societal aspects of smart breeding technology.
The team members draw on a variety of methods from the social sciences and humanities. They conduct fieldwork in the Netherlands and abroad, using various interviewing techniques. By talking with many different stakeholders, they collect different voices and opinions. Furthermore, they organize workshops for stakeholders. The team members will publish scientific articles, present their work at (international) conferences, and organize activities aimed at societal impact.

Illustrations by Aisha So.
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Portrait Koen Beumer
Work package leader Ellen Moors, Professor Innovation and Sustainability, UU
Work package leader Koen Beumer, Assistant Professor, UU
Aisha So, PhD candidate, UU
Christoph Lofi, Assistant Professor, TU Delft
Elsenoor Wijlhuizen, PhD candidate, UU
Eva Valencia Leñero, PhD candidate, UU
Guido van den Ackerveken, Professor Translation Plant Biology & Scientific Director CropXR, UU
Hao Wang, Postdoc, WUR
Jonathan Arentoft, PhD candidate, UU
Julia Tschersich, Assistant Professor, UU
Laurens Klerkx, Professor of Agrifood Innovation and Transition, WUR & UTalca
Niels Louwaars, Independent Advisor
Víctor Betriu Yáñez, PhD candidate, WUR
Vincent Blok, Professor Philosophy of Technology and Responsible Innovation, WUR