Knowledge development and human capital


Breeding for resilience is a challenge that requires an interdisciplinary approach. It depends on big data and AI methodologies and leads to a transition on various levels. The workforce needs to be ready for this transition. Moreover, those working in plant science, agriculture and related industries should be able to reflect on the transition’s societal implications. At present, experimental plant biology and computational science and AI can seem worlds apart. It is crucial to equip a new generation of experts with the right skills to bridge divides between disciplines. Human capital is the education program of CropXR that facilitates knowledge sharing and fosters knowledge development. The purpose is to build human capital for the future. The Amsterdam Green Campus coordinates the education program activities.  


The Human capital team works on education development and community building. It aims to implement new knowledge into new and existing educational modules. Lifelong learning modules for practitioners working in (the agricultural) field will be developed later in the program to transfer new knowledge to the professional field. Furthermore, the Human capital team has developed an Applied Research program in which the universities of applied sciences play an important role. The program narrows the gap between fundamental science and cultivation practices. In addition, the team tries to connect to existing collaboration initiatives. The Learning Community unites students, scientific organisations and industrial partners and stimulates cross-pollination.  

The Learning Community meets regularly to collaborate and exchange information.


A new minor titled ‘Developing Climate Resilient Crops’ will start at Wageningen University and Research in September 2025. In addition, the Learning Community formulates clear education and research goals for some of the crops within CropXR research. Moreover, the Learning Community stimulates synergies on various levels between students,
scientists and industrial partners. A good example of this is the research conducted by students from universities of applied sciences in collaboration with industrial partners.  

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Portrait Atoesa Farohki

Learning Community meeting


Education Director EduXR, Christa Testerink, Professor of Plant Physiology, WUR  
Atoesa Farokhi, Coordinator, UvA / Amsterdam Green Campus 
Ben Noordijk, PhD candidate and lecturer bioinformatics, WUR  
Dick de Ridder, Professor of Bioinformatics, WUR  
Elysa Overdijk, Lecturer Plant Physiology, WUR  
Koen Beumer, Assistant professor Societal Implications of Science and Technology, UU  
Mariana Silva Artur, Assistant professor Plant Physiology, WUR  
Milan Plasmeijer, Researcher Green Biotechnology, Hogeschool Inholland   
Roos van Maanen, Director, UvA / Amsterdam Green Campus  
Sjoerd Smit, Project leader, UvA / Amsterdam Green Campus